How Eros has Affected My General Worship: Chloris

Somehow, I think that the especial cult reverence that I afford Eros and the Erotes has helped me to see how the Theoi are connected and interact. One Goddess, Whom I now feel is often overlooked, Chloris (Flora, in Latin), the Goddess of Flowers, is one who I only really noticed after gravitating toward Eros cultus.

After noticing Chloris, it seemed quite obvious why She should be afforded at least some reverence in Erote worship: Many (and I do mean many) love stories in the mythos of ancient Hellas involve a metamorphisis into flowers. Many flowers are sacred to Aphrodite and the Erotes. Even in modern rituals that many people regard as being totally secular, flowers are often given in romance — and, interestingly, flowers are left for our dead. Again, we come to a relationship between Eros and Thanatos, Love and Death, a relationship which is far more pronounced in Gaelig mythology, and as we can see in the sources on, Ovid -in heavily implying Greek origin of this mythology (indeed, he implies it all over the place)- associates Chloris with the Isles of the Blessed in Elysium, and according to Wikipaedia, She is associated with not only Flowers, but also Spring and New Growth — an incredibly apt Goddess to associate with mythos often interpreted as life-death-rebirth mythos, such as Adonis or Hyakinthos, or even Narkissos.

In connecting Chloris to Eros, the nymphai of the flowers are next, then the nymphai as a whole, Apollon, Dionysos, Hermes, Artemis… basically any other Theos with strong connections to the nymphai. In connecting Him to Chloris, we bring Him together with the Seasons, the Winds, the Weather Theoi, Zeus. All roads lead to Eros: Love and Creation.

8 thoughts on “How Eros has Affected My General Worship: Chloris

  1. Pingback: I’m not dead! « Urban Hellenistos

    • It’s because both of your blogs contain the name “zephyr.” There’s an option to turn the ping backs and related blogs off in your CP.


    • The Theoi, as well as all of humanity, are sort of woven together like this massive tapestry of life, and threads that can seem far apart at a glance turn out to be tightly woven together if you just follow them far enough along. Khloris is present in the domain of Eros not merely as the bringer of flowers, but as a blossomer in Her own right, and thus pollinator, a spreader of life itself. Think of what a flower is: It's basically both the genitals and the head of the plant, as the brain itself is an erogenous zone, flowers are therefore incredibly sexual symbols — Khloris herself is thus a sexual Goddess, even if Her domain is the sexuality of plant life. But with all life being ultimately interconnected, the sexuality of flowers can be symbolic of the sexuality of humanity.

      Holy crap, sorry for the essay. That's all pretty much just how it came to me, too. Take care! (And i promise, I'll get out of this rut and back to blogging soon.)


  2. Considering how Khloris is the wife of Zephyros (who brought Psyche to Eros after her parents tried to sacrifice her and whatnot), that is certainly very interesting.

    Also, regarding flowers and the winged loves: Antheia, described as one of the younger Kharites (who are, ofc, attendants of Aphrodite), is the goddess of the flowers and flowery wreaths, and her sister-Kharis Auxo is the goddess of spring growth. You've also got to remember how Persephone/Kore is connected to plants and flowers — she was picking flowers when Hades snatched her, and the thing that bound her to the Underworld was eating the seeds of the one fruit that grows in the Underworld, the pomegranate. (:


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